Kamis, 27 Juni 2019


The development of digital audio technology or MP3 has  eliminated the careers of artist and musician all over the world. The musicians automatically stop working because they no longer earn income from selling tapes that can be in the millions of copies. They are forced to expect from concerts only that do not necessarily exist in a year. The digital audio music phenomenon no longer creates musician and artists that existed in the 80s and 90s.      The idealism of musicians and artists who are famous in the past is now gone. Their song that sometimes speak out the voices of people, the voices of humanity,the voice of social life,the sound of peace,the voice of nature, the voice of anti war,the voice of anti discrimination and anti tyranny, now it’s quiet. What emerges is only artist  that speak about their own pleasures and complains that the song can be sung by kindergarten children and elementary school children.

Many recording studios all over the world have gone bankrupt, shop selling tapes and Compact Disc  into history have been replaced by street vendors selling MP3 CDs, the contents of CD are still old songs that always alive forever compared the 2010 song that contained without meaning. Now we are no longer waiting for the latest album from a singer and a band group.


The changing movement of technology and time will never again return to 80s and 90s era, where musician and artists were rewarded with their song that could influence the state’s policies and even the policies of the United Nations (UN). In this era we have been entertained by magic objects that are in our hand, this One Eye has a role in cutting the regeneration of idealist musicians and artist who voice the social,political and nature. Hopefully the songs in the past will continue to live throughout the ages and continue to be sung by the generation without losing the meaning and philosophy of the poem, because songs with the theme of wisdom are always in accordance with the conditions of human life wherever and whenever. 

In the digital era which began in 2012 and above, it detrimental  for sale of Audio CDs and MP3 CDs. Through the android application on mobile, everyone can download or listen to music through the internet . By buying an internet credit, all can be enjoy through You Tube and other non stop website music without tape, as in the past using tape,walkman and MP3 Player. Music listeners in this era use more of their cellphones, because anything can be done with one grip and one touch.

Because of the effects of the digital era and the ease of internet networks, traders who sell MP3 CDs have begun to decrease. They are no longer visible in malls and plaza, although there are some who survive in traditional markets,another is the small and medium business trading that goes bankrupt. As before recording studios and  cassette or CD shops closed their businesses because of the pirates CD sales, then in the internet era pirated CDs sellers eventually collapsed



With the changing times and changes in electronic and communication media, world musicians must follow the situation. The songs that originally recorded at famous recording studios, right now can record it themselves and sell it themselves without producer intervention through social media and the internet, but the results obtained are not the same as the era of Audio CD or Tape Cassette. Which is where the success of musicians is determined by how much the sales of the tapes are, but now the song is calculated by how many followers,listeners and likes on You Tube. So in the internet era, famous artists and bands emerged through You Tube media, also solo music player who only used one computer application could arrange music with various kind of musical instrument without the interference of others, only using applications such as Fruity Loop to be music.


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